Diamonds (North London Baseball)


North London Diamond Locations

Our diamonds are located across North East London. Please click on the link for the locations.

Northridge Fields
1400 Adelaide St. N., London, ON

North London Athletic Fields
1225 Adelaide St. N., London, ON

Stoneybrook Recreational Fields
815 Windermere Rd, London, ON
Virginia Park (Jack Chambers P.S.) - 1650 Hastings Dr, London, ON N5X 3E3

Montcalm S.S. - 1350 Highbury Ave. N., London, ON

St. Kateri Catholic Elementary School - 220 Sunnyside Dr, London, ON N5X 3R1

Emily Carr Public Elementary School - 44 Hawthorne Rd, London, ON N6G 2H5

Stoneybrook Public Elementary School - 1460 Stoneybrook Crescent, London, ON N5X 1C4