9U (North London Baseball)


8 & 9 years old


North London Athletic Fields, Northridge Fields & Stoneybrook Recreation Fields 


Teams will typically be on the field 2 nights/week (1 game/ 1 practice). We do our best to keep all games during the week (Mon-Fri). Schedules are determined after registration closes; May 2025.          


The 9U program uses a pitching machine to provide consistency for developing hitters (30-35mph).  Skill development in the areas of catching, fielding, throwing and base running continues. Fun, friendship, teamwork and sportsmanship are stressed. Concepts of competition are introduced.  Modified baseball rules are applied by umpires. Teams will consist of 11-13 players.


  • Fielding - basic knowledge of fielding positions, catch 12/15 fly balls from 20 feet away, field 5/5 ground balls from 15 feet away (left and right side), throw a ball 50 feet, hit a target from 20 feet away
  • Hitting - hit 4/10 balls from a machine, hit 12/15 balls 75 feet
  • Game knowledge - error or hit, single, double, triple, home run, safe or out


  • Gloves are required.
  • Batting helmets are required.
  • Athletic supports are required.
  • Uniform (hat, jersey, pants, socks, belt) is provided.
  • NLBA provides Catcher's gear.