Minor Midget Nationals top seed in B Playoff Pool, News, MINOR MIDGET NATIONALS, 2016 (North London Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 06, 2016 | mpeters | 1661 views
Minor Midget Nationals top seed in B Playoff Pool
The Minor Midget Nationals finished the round robin play 2-1 and were just edged out of the Pool A title by Ajax.  The Nationals now move to the B Playoff Pool and are the top seed in the pool.  Our semi-final opponent is Halton Hills at 10am at Ireland Diamond 1 (2315 Headon Forest Dr, Burlington, ON L7M 3Z1).  From the hotel go north on Guelph Line.  Go past Upper Middle and turn right onto Longmeadow Road.  Go about 400 m and turn left onto Headon Forest Drive.  Go to the second parking lot as that one is closer to diamond 1.